
Date - 27/04//2024
Practice sheet 

Date - 20/04/2024
Chapter - Numbers up to 999


Practice sheet

Chapter - Data Handling

Practice sheet

Practice sheet

Write the time below each clock in two ways.

Chapter - Time

Chapter - Money

Practice sheet

Chapter - Division

Practice sheet ( Ch- Multiplication) 

Practice sheet ( Ch - Patterns ) 

Chapter - Multiplication

Chapter - Pattern 


Practice Sheet

Practice sheet

Chapter: Measurement

Chapter : Shapes 
Activity sheet 

Activity sheet 


Practice worksheet 

Chapter: Subtraction 

Date: 18/07/2023
Practice Sheet

Date : 13/07/2023
Chapter : Addition

Date : 08/07/2023
 Chapter : Addition

Date : 01/07/2023
Chapter : Addition 

Date : 28/06/2023
Chapter : Enjoy with numbers 

Date : 19/06/2023
Practice sheet 

Date : 17/06/2023
Chapter - Enjoy with numbers
Model Notebook 

Date : 12/06/2023
Chapter: Numbers upto 999
Mental Math

Date : 26/04/2023
Chapter: Numbers up to 999
Workbook Answer Key

Date :18/04/2023
Chapter : Numbers upto 999
Model notebook 


Model note book of ch- Time 

Model note book of Ch- Money 

Ch- Time             

Ch- Money              10/01/2023

Ch-Money Model note book 

Ch- Division  Extra work sheet                                      12/12/2022

Ch- Division Model note book 1/12/2022


Division workbook  Answerkey 

Ch- Division Workbook 

Extra work sheet Ch- Multiplication 

Ch- Multiplication Work book 

Ch- Multiplication Model note book             09/11/22

 Practice sheet  for R.W-5               07/11/2022  

Ch- Patterns          Extra Work sheet         07/11/2022 

Ch- Patterns Note book                                            Date- 02/11/2022

Ch- Patterns   Work book                                            Date- 02/11/2022

Ch-9 Measurement Extra worksheet 

Ch-9 Measurement Workbook 

Ch- Measurement Model note book 

Practice sheet For R.W-4                       14/09/2022

Ch- Shapes    Practice sheet                                 10/09/2022
Ch- Shapes Work book Answer key  02/09/2022

Ch- Shapes Work book  Date- 02/09/2022

Ch- Shapes Model note book 

Practice sheet for R.W-3                 18/08/2022

Ch-4 Subtraction Work book                   08/08/2022

Model note book Ch- Subtraction               02/08/2022 

Practice sheet-2                                                22/07/2022

Extra work sheet Ch- Addition                 20/07/2022

Ch-3 Addition Work book ( answers key) 12/07/2022

Ch-3 Addition Work book                              12/07/2022

Ch-3 Addition Model note book                           30/06/2022               


Practice sheet            Date- 25/06/2022  

Extra work sheet Ch-2 Enjoy with numbers Date-24/06/2021 

Answer key of Work sheet(Ch-2  Enjoy with numbers )

Chapter -2 Enjoy with number (Model Note book) 15.06.2022 


Chapter -2 Enjoy with numbers (Work sheet )

Ch-1 Numbers up to 999  Extra work sheet  Date- 06/06/2022

Ch-1 Numbers up to 999 Work book answer key 25.04.2022

Ch-1 Numbers up to 999( Work book )

Ch-1 Numbers up to 999 Model note book               

Ch-9 Measurement answer key

Ch-9 Measurement Workbook 

Ch- Measurement Model note book 

Ch-5 Shapes extra worksheet 
Ch-5 Shapes 

Ch-5 Shapes Model note book 

Ch-4 Subtraction Work book 

Ch- 4 Subtraction Model note book 

Ch-9 Measurement 

Ch-3 Addition work book               Date- 08/07/2021


Ch-3 Addition Model note book 


Ch-2 Enjoy with Number( Work sheet answer key )

Chapter -2 Enjoy with number (Model Note book)


Chapter -2 Enjoy with numbers (Work sheet )

Chapter- Numbers up to 999 ( Model Notebook)

Ch-1 Numbers up to 999 Model note book              Date:-22/4/2021. 


Ch-9 Measurement Model note book 

Ch-3 Addition Model note book


Ch-5 Shapes Work book 

Ch-5 Shapes Model Note book 

Answer key of Work sheet(Ch-2  Enjoy with numbers )

Chapter -2 Enjoy with number (Model Note book)


Chapter -2 Enjoy with numbers (Work sheet )

Chapter- Numbers up to 999 ( Model Notebook)
Date: 11.04.2020

Chapter-1 Numbers up to 999
Youtube link-